Who We are

HKL Health Supplies connects healthcare organizations such as licensed, certified & verified pharmacies to patients that need them the most. There are millions of patients without access to medical treatment due to access or cost. We believe every human being deserves the right to affordable and accessible medical care. Safety is our number one priority, as it should be for any organization in healthcare.

Our team has more than 20 years of experience in healthcare with a focus on customer acquisition, competitive intelligence, global pharmaceutical sourcing, pharmacy best practice, healthcare privacy, document validation, data security and customer support.


patients helped

We are proud to say that we have directly connected over 1 million patients to healthcare.


QA & Support Agents

Communication is at the heart of providing good care. Continuous training and quality control monitoring is a core part of our strategy.


Safety Record

Safety is our number one priority, as it should be for any organization that touches healthcare in any manner.